You might say : I feel like I don't know you.
And I'll responds : Because you never really try to.

Dearie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's a GQ commercial.

(Probably) the definition of  "ideal man" :

Athletic   運動的
Graceful   優雅的
Sexy   性感的
Good job   有份好工作
Funny (very)   有趣的
Strong   強壯的
Charismatic   有領袖氣質的
Romantic   浪漫的
Sensual   肉慾的
Likes animals   喜歡動物
A bit like De Niro   有點像勞伯狄尼洛 (男主角還模仿得挺像的)
Loves to party   熱愛派對
A rebel   是個反骨的傢伙

I'm not a party animal.:P

Robert De Niro 啊 (有點微妙)

最近在複習 Ally McBeal

John: (Pointing at Nelle) You see that woman?
Maureen: Yeah.
John: I dated her.
Maureen: You did? She's beautiful.
John: She found me beautiful and sexy. You know why?
Maureen: I can't even bluff.
John: Sexiness is mental. I would become Barry White when I went to her.
John: In my head I believed I had sex appeal. Therefore, I did.

Some how, you have it.

Dearie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Well. . . .
You gotta figure, over 6 billion people on Earth.
What are the needle-in-a-haystack odds you'll find that soul mate?
And consider the logic of coming across somebody who could be it....

....and then keeping it to yourself.....(?)

- Peter MacNicol starring as John Cage in "Ally McBeal"

Dearie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

And I'm truly proud of it.

Dearie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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